dimanche 8 mai 2011

Get closer

»» The Inner Lives of Wartime Photographers - NYTimes.com {en}

Covering conflict is perilous for anyone — reporters, local stringers, the drivers and interpreters we depend on — but photographers are more exposed, in at least two senses of the word. They need a sustained line of sight to frame their photographs; a reliable source is never enough. And they cannot avert their eyes; they have to let the images in, no matter how searing or disturbing. Robert Capa’s famous advice to younger photographers — “Get closer” — translates in combat to “get more vulnerable,” both literally and emotionally.

Un article passionnant sur les photographes de guerre, les dilemmes moraux qui les étreignent et la passion qui les pousse à être en première ligne pour photographier la guerre. Juste après la mort de Tim Hetherington et de Chris Hondros en Lybie un bel hommage à ce métier.